The Line Dancing


This part of our lives started with the terrible Dunblane Massacre of March 1996. A gunman entered the school there and shot 16 children and a teacher. There were fundraising events held everywhere including the Prison Officers Club where I worked - most of the time! My wife, Jenny, and I obviously supported the event and, despite its rational, had a good time. Entertainment that night was provided by a country western band and in front of the stage at the back of the hall, there were dancers. Too busy having a drink or two and socialising to take much notice but Jenny clearly had and on the way home declared an interest. I subsequently asked around and were directed to a local club. Turns out Jen has a talent for reading a dance script and then teaching it.

Soon she was in demand and before long we had started our own club.

I took on the role of DJ and acquired the hardware and music. Soon we were working for an entertainment agency and were being contracted to provide music and dance teaching the length and breadth of the country.

We were often asked to provide gear such as western wear, jewellery, western artefacts, etc. and this decided us to open our own travelling country/western stall. Being in the north of England we were well placed to travel the length and breadth of the British Isles: from Southampton on the south coast to Thurso on north coast Scotland and all places east and west.

We could not have done all this, including putting on our gigs complete with hot pot suppers without the support of our close friends, Peter & Doreen. We met way back when on a holiday to the southern states of N. America. From flogging stuff on Buckskin Joes stall to cooking hot pot suppers; to taking Goldie, our dog, on long term lease during our lengthy absences in Newfoundland, to selling raffle tickets and serving food to dancers. Oh! Such happy days!

Doreen, Peter & Pam.